Sunday, July 18, 2010

Refurbishing Inspriration

Our goal is to decorate our home for as little money as possible. First, because we don't have much money. Second, because we don't want a lot of debt. Third, because it is fun! Well, I think it sounds like fun...we'll see.
I have been looking for DIY furniture inspiration. Here are a few good examples:

On Nest Egg a wingback goes from something you'd see in granny's parlor to slipcovered fabulousness...

Or as seen on I Suwannee "Holy Wingchair"

For more fabulous photos of Wingbacks visit Braebourn Farm's Blog.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rearranging Results

A week off work is a good time to do some rearranging. Here are a few photos...
The living room furniture is now in the family room adjacent to the kitchen. Brooks thinks it is "cozier" although I know he really likes it because now his chair is closer to the TV.

I also swapped the bedding between the two guest bedrooms for a more serene look.

Curtains are at the cleaners.

Still need to move the small desk out and paint the dresser.